CampTMP Covid Policy


As we continue our 2022-2023 season, we have taken some time to re-evaluate our COVID safety policies and I wanted to notify you of those changes. As state and federal guidance regarding COVID safety evolves, as well as the guidelines of theaters in New York and across the country, we are wanting to evolve with them, while still maintaining a moderate level of caution. 

Following what we did this summer, masks will be optional for campers. We still highly recommend them, especially while indoors and participating in music rehearsals. For performances, we will assume all performers are going mask-less unless a parent/guardian tells us otherwise. Masks will be worn by staff members at all times. We will have access to sanitizer and extra masks always for campers, and staff will sanitize rehearsal spaces between classes.

Masks are currently optional for audience members as well.

We appreciate your cooperation as we do our best to make sure your kids still are receiving quality musical theater education during this pandemic. Questions can be directed to Director of Education, Kayla Littleton, at (Updated 11-28-22)